Cushing Village

Smart Living in a Place You Love...Construction begins fall 2013

  • Trapelo corner

A Neighborhood and Business Community Presentation

Posted by Cushing Village Team On 12:04 AM 0 comments

The Cushing Village Team would like send out a special 'Thank You' to all of those who came out to Vicki Lee's last Thursday night. We had planned for an informal social gathering of about 50 people to mark the beginning of a series of events that would foster dialogue and communication. Instead of the expected 50, we ended up with over 85 attendees! We were pleasantly surprised by the large turn out and well wishes that made the evening such a wonderful success.

As many of you already know, the timing of the event was meant to coincide with the first presentation before the Belmont Planning Board. As originally scheduled, the event would have taken place just a couple of days later. However, with the decision to delay the presentation until the 28th of this month, our event happened before any formal presentation. With this in mind, the Cushing Village Team made a small presentation before the attendees and provided plan boards so everyone could review them at their leisure.
Once presentions were finished, the floor was opened to formal Q&A, followed by the remainder of the evening being filled with informal conversation. Thursday's event demonstrates the Cushing Village Team's commitment to maintaining a transparent development process. As the permit process evolves before the Planning Board, the Cushing Village Team will strive to keep you informed about each issue or change. As discussed at Thursday's event, the Team will be fully addressing the issues of size scale/mass, tax revenue/cost and traffic/parking. Stay tuned to this blog for further announcements concerning each issue! But for now, here are some images of Thursday's event for your enjoyment. For a more detailed account of Thursday's event, please see this informative article from the Belmont Citizen Herald. For additional images of the night's fun, follow this link to our Flickr site. **Photos by Glenn Perry:**

The Cushing Village Team: L-R Peter Quinn, Chris Starr & Len Cubellis
